About Us

Our Purpose
The Newburgh United Methodist Preschool (NUMPS) program is an outreach ministry of Newburgh United Methodist Church. We are a child-centered school, providing opportunities in a happy Christian environment for children to grow intellectually, socially. emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Children will experience a warm, accepting atmosphere as they interact with adults and children. Learning experiences will be focused within both play-oriented and teacher-directed situations.
Our Goals
To develop in the child a sense of self-worth and well-being.
To help the child become accustomed to a varied social environment.
To provide concrete play experiences - one in which they can test their own ideas, solve problems, and express their own creativity.
To provide opportunities for free choices under the teacher's guidance.
To provide a variety of instruction with hands on material which promotes conceptual thinking.
To develop large and small muscle coordination.
To develop a Christian atmosphere in which to work and play.
Our Curriculum
Children are naturally eager to learn! Our curriculum is based on activities for preschool age children. Classroom activities are provided to stimulate language and build social skills. Children will participate in daily music time, creative art, cooking, science experiments, story time, and field trips. Our staff works to develop good listening skills and the ability to follow directions, along with the understand of respect for others and themselves. Colors, shapes, numbers, small motor skills, beginning writing, letters, and sound recognition are built into the appropriate curriculum level to get them ready for Kindergarten. Our student are learning through play and having fun doing it!